/ 上田 陽波子(Hinako Ueda)
I was born and raised in Kagawa.
Surfing, watching movies, board games
What I like and
what I dislike |
Karaoke, traveling, watching movies/dramas, sucking cats, games, manga
What I would like to try in the future
I want to skydiving.
history |
After graduating from high school, the junior college he enrolled in fell into the coronavirus pandemic for two years. As a result of this, the sister school in Australia where I studied abroad closed, and I gave up on studying abroad.
After graduating, I started working as a TA at a correspondence high school and managing SNS at a co-working space.
At the coworking space's 5th anniversary event, I met Mr. Ishigami, a member and managing partner of Ishigami, Ishigami, & Ochi, LLP . After that, he joined IIO as an intern in charge of SNS .
Favorite word
Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.