ホーム > ニュース一覧 > 【退職年金制度義務化】カリフォルニア州に5名以上従業員がいらっしゃる企業様へ


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もしくは、カリフォルニア州の新しい退職年金貯蓄制プログラム「CalSavers 」という新制度を使っての提要もできます。登録は無料です。すでに401(K)などの年金制度をすでに提供されている企業様は、追加で加入する必要はありません。



CalSavers – Retirement Program now required for most CA employers

As you may know, employers in California, who have at least 5 employees, will be required to provide a retirement plan for all employees by June 30, 2022. California has made available the use of their savings program, CalSavers, to make this process automatic and to protect workers in California. You may also choose another program, such as a 401(k), and sign up privately with an investment bank.

You may register your company for the CalSavers program at any time before your deadline. When you do, you should alert your employees that they can control and customize their contributions at: https://saver.calsavers.com/home/savers/program-details.html, if they do not, the system will automate their contributions. The program is free to employers.

For those who already provide a retirement program to your employees, you need to register your exemption from the program

Thank you!

